Best Friends Forever: Myth or Truth Explained

Friendship and Best Friends Forever : Friendship Day Special

As the friendship day is heralding, we are attracted to write about th enotion of friends forever. Not all friendships remain intact. Many friendships meet brakups or they fade away du to time and distances. At the same time many friendships remain as strong as a rock for lifetime. Let us understand whether a thing called friends forever is a myth or a truth? What makes friendship special? Is it time or the like mindedness that makes this relation very special and strong? 1st August 2021 is the celebration of this relation and hence you can also check some beautiful friends forever status here.

Many wise men have said that relations have nothing to do with time and distance. It is the trust and like affinity that makes them special. Many times, people do not strike chord even after spending many long years together. Vice Versa, few moments together may result in lifelong comradeship.Hence, friends forever is not a mth or a complete truth but it is a matter of good luck and good natura of man. We get good friends by luck but it depends on us how we retain and maintain our valuable friendships. It takes a lots of heart to identify and understand true friends.

beautiful quotes

What Makes Friendships Special 

Here are some key characteristics of beautiful and special friendships. If you are sharing any of these points with yoru buddies, your friendship is definitely special and we hope youwill remain friends forever with that person.

1. Friends for More Than Five Years - If you ae already in comradeship with the person for more than five years, shtere is someting special about it. If you are in touch with your buddy even after being away, than you are a veyr special friend of the person.

friends forever myth and facts

2. You Share Some Funny Beautiful Secrets - Do you share some funny and beautiful secrets with your friends. Fun filled moments you spend together in college or school or hostel make the relation very special. These lovely moments will make your relation with the person beautiful forever.

3. You Spend Maximum Time Together - Are you spending a lots of time with your companion or buddy? If yes, then there are the best chances that your friendship is very special. Though digital world has reduced the distances and allow us to have long distance friends, we are humans. Spending time together means a lot comparedto virutal connections. 

4. You Feel Special Affinity - Sometimes, time and distance has no effect on the kind of relation you share with the person. It happens that sometimes we feel some kind of special affinity with the person. In such cases, you talk to the person with the same warmth even after a gap of long time. No matter ow far you live, your friendship is always secured and strong.

Tell us if this post is useful to you and do you agree with our thoughts? And do not forget to wish your special friends on this friendship day 2021. Keep following our blog to find beautiful friendship day sms in hindi, rose day images, and valentines day quotes. 


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